Monday, April 21, 2014

15 and as soon as those bearing the ark had come as far as the Jordan, and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water (now the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest), 16 the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away, at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan, and those flowing down toward the Sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. And the people passed over opposite Jericho.
                                                                        Joshua 3:15-16 ESV

Have you ever asked yourself if you can really hear God speaking to you?  And if you did hear Him what you would do?

I was pretty certain that He only chose my friends to speak to until recently I was asked to speak in front of our ABF about what Haiti means to me. I said no. Right away I was sure there was a mistake in who they were asking. They surely meant to ask someone else with more speaking experience, right? No. God said “It’s you they need to hear from. “

I prayed for God to show me a way out of speaking in front of people, to somehow make those who asked me to forget.  Instead, He woke me in the night and put exactly what I was share on my heart. He was speaking to me! Not only did He speak to me, on that day He spoke through me.   

God didn’t just leave me alone in front of that group to panic and fail or to look stupid as I had told myself over and over would happen. He asked me to be willing to put my foot in the water and have faith that He would bring me through what He was asking me to do. And He did!  I will never forget the feeling of peace I had as I shared my story. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks as I realized all God has done for me, but also because I know He’s not done!   I don’t ever want to take a single step with out Him. There is a great joy in living our lives for God.

** Continue on if you would like to read my story, the one I shared in ABF… I pray that my story can help others know that God CAN and WILL do amazing things no matter what the circumstance.

When Jan and Tony asked me to talk about what Haiti means to me I immediately said no and God said yes.

Haiti means more to me than just going on a mission trip, it's a gift from God! My first trip to Haiti is when my understanding of what putting my toes in the water and allowing God to take over my life truly meant.  What it means to be pulled (kicking and screaming) outside of my box.  Anyone who knows me, knows how I LOVE my box. They also know my million and one fears and quirks.... Things like escalators, winding staircases and the strange security I find in wearing crazy socks....  

However, God knew I would need that first year just to get over myself before I could really see all He had planned for our family through these experiences, But what I didn't anticipate was what God doing in my life as I continued to answer His call.

Two years of the three, I have had the honor of taking my oldest daughter Laynee. I don't even know how to describe the joy that I have over watching her serve in the way God has called her to serve, how He has called ALL of us to serve. Watching her interact with the students and lead worship for the opening on some mornings is beyond amazing. Not to mention the privilege of watching her relationship with Christ grow. What a gift I've been given, but God didn't stop there!

He blessed us with family. You see what most of you do not know about me is that before coming to CCC my husband and I attended a small church with our families. We felt that God was calling us to grow closer to Him, "to grow 10 degrees hotter" and with that nudge we took a step that has forever changed our lives. My family disowned us, leaving us empty, heartbroken and questioning our decision, but we didn't question for long, because what we didn't know is that God in His infinite wisdom had known that I would one day go to Haiti ( over and over) and in doing that each year He gave us more and more family. Not only did I gain family in the team members He blessed us with Joubert who was my very first translator and now a part our family and our two families blending together as one brings a joy to my heart beyond understanding.  

I can't wait to see what God has in store for our family and Haiti in the years to come, I just know it will be amazing.

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